Sunday, March 30, 2014

Workouts 3/23 - 3/30

Wednesday - 1 hour bike (2-3min hard, 7-8 easy)
Thursday - 45 min swim, 1 hour bike (2 min hard, 8 min easy)
Friday - 1 hour bike (constant revs)
Saturday - 1:15 bike, 25 minute run
Sunday - 1 hour bike, 1:35 run (14 miles)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A little behind -- and an appointment with my Rheumatologist!

Sunday - 1 hour bike, recovery
Monday - Rest day (sometimes these are nice)
Tuesday - 30 min swim, 1 hour bike

Arthritis Update
Yesterday I finally got in to see my rheumatologist after having about 2 weeks of pretty intense jaw pain, at times being unable to chew food. Unfortunately, I was given more meds and a referral to an facial surgeon at the UW if the pain doesn't get better in a week. Turns out, that as a child with juvenile arthritis, your jaw and cervical vertebrae (neck region) are really susceptible to the RA and in some cases it causes those bones to not develop properly. My doctor suspects that I am both flaring and having some combination of this abnormality from when I was a kid that will continue to get worse slowly over time. It explains why my neck has always been my worst place for pain. I am pretty nervous about what that means for the future in terms of steroid injections into my TMJ and eventual surgery. All I can do is take it one step at a time. I also am finding it really weird as I progress in school and actually begging to understand things; for example, do you know how many nerves and arteries are around your TMJ?!? I had a pretty hard time kind of accepting and digesting what my doctor told me so I was really reliant on my family and girlfriend yesterday to help me understand what all of this meant for the future and what my best plan of action was. A lot of phone calls before clinic yesterday at the Salvation Army.

After a solid nights sleep, I find myself using some of my experiences with kids who have also have RA and have already had hip replacement surgeries at such young ages and if they can handle it, I can handle it! It also brings even more meaning to my Ironman training and I know crossing that finish line in September will be one of the biggest moments in my life. Who knows if I will ever be able to do it again. I also am doing it for all those who don't have the opportunity to compete. So, keep me in your thoughts and hopefully all the medications we added on board will really help over the week. I would by lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I went from one shot a week to 6 pills a day + the shot again (still below my record of 12 pills/day though as a kid!).

I leave with a final, positive thought as I head off to a day of school, lectures, practicing physical exams, etc.

Never give up and don't ask why because every situation does not need an answer. I'm a firm believer that I don't worry about anything I can't control.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

14 mile run

Warm and 50 degrees, decent 7 min/mile pace but legs felt sore. I couldn't believe there was ice on the sidewalks still!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Workout - Bike 2.5 Hours

Went well, a lot of mental games to stay on the bike that long indoors.

Monday, March 17, 2014

More meds -- thumbs down

I've been in close contact with my rheumatologist since I've been having a lot of issues lately not related to the training. Primarily in my elbow and this passed week in my jaw. I wasn't able to chew food without having pain or close my mouth. It has just been a lot of problems which tells me something is going on and I need to get on top of it. My rheumatologist and I have a really great relationship and he is absolutely excellent at his job so first a shout out to Dr. McKown at the UW! We weighed the pros and cons and we both agreed that it was a good idea to restart my other two medications. It is always disappointing to hear you need more medications to manage something, no matter what disease you have. I like to think that my experiences as a patient will help me be a better doctor in the future, and who knows maybe even a rheumatologist. The new meds mean weekly blood tests for awhile now and some unpleasant side effects. We both agreed it was probably the best move with the stress of school and my increase in training just as a safe guard. So like anything in life, there is some give and take but at the end of the day you have to take care of yourself.

I also think that as someone who has had a chronic disease I cannot emphasize enough the importance of talking with your physicians. Letting them know your goals and your wants and listening to what they say. Together you can reach a plan that will fit your lifestyle and you will be more likely to follow through since you had a say in the matter. Don't ever be afraid to speak up as a patient or say no.

"Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way. Run often and run long, but never outrun your joy of running." -Isphording

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Positive thoughts like a proton!

I did an hour on the bike and an hour run (8 miles). This week I've been having trouble with my left elbow and my left jaw. I had my medicine today which seemed to help a lot.

A classmate and myself who are both competing in Ironman have officially decided to get some 1 on 1 help from the UW Triathlon team's coach. Hopefully that will improve my swim.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Warmer weather!

Today was an amazingly beautiful 50 degree weather day, especially after this really harsh winter. I celebrated with an 1.5 hour bike ride and an hour run in shorts and a T-shirt! I haven't felt this motivated to work out and overall rejuvenated since qualifying for Boston in November. It's great to have some skip in my step. I also realized I am long over due for new shoes and I think that might explain why I have been having so much ankle pain lately after support. My shoes are the same ones that I did my 100+ mile training week for my fall marathon and ran the Madison Marathon. Needless to say they have a few holes and are not getting me the support I need. Definitely time for a new pair! In the words of my wise anatomy tank mates, "you have to take care of yourself!"

Arthritis has been feeling okay, with the exercise a lot less stiff. I woke up last night with the usual elbow issues after sleeping on them bent up so I did a few of the physical therapy exercises which helped. I also remembered to order my medications; amazing what one flare will do to help you remember things like that.

This week in school is busy with my younger brothers basketball team making it to the WIAA state tournaments and playing Thursday and the beginning of spring break on Friday. Hard to stay focus or have any motivation especially after just finishing exams. While working out today, I thought about how I'm not sure I would have had the discipline and determination to have survived medical school if it wasn't for running and training for my first marathon. There are just so many great analogies to real life. You hit walls, you get injuries that set you back, you feel at your highest high and your lowest low all at the same time, but you always ALWAYS get up and keep going to the finish line, no matter what life/the race throws at you. I think my training for Ironman alongside my work with the Arthritis Foundation will help me learn something new about myself and continue to push me.

Today, I am thankful for my ability to compete in races and the skills that being an endurance athlete have taught me.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Finally feeling like training is underway!

I survived another round of exams!!! In the same week, my bike also arrived from California (Lola -- see picture below), and my hometown high school basketball team (including my brothers who both play) have made it to state and will be here this week to play at the Kohl center. I did a lot of 5-8 mile runs during exam week. Today, I did my first 2 hour bike ride on Lola and it was great. I definitely have a LONG way to go to Ironman WI. I also received my USAT Carb so it's official!! Let the games begin.

Monday, March 3, 2014

10 miles

I woke up this morning with a huge headache from my meds the night before and probably a combo of lack of sleep/studying. Right on time for my neuro exam haha. Afterward, I did a 10 mile run to help clear my head and get rid of the headache! 1 of 3 down. Keep on keeping on!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

8 miles, treadmill and never ending amount of cranial nerve/studying

With exams Monday through Wednesday of this week, I have not been able to get in as much exercise as I wanted to this week. As any medical student will tell you, you only have ~15-16 hours in a day to keep up with school and stay sane unless you want to start cutting into sleep. So today, I had to study and run.

This week I am reminded about how much we, as medical students and future physicians, sacrifice and will continue to need to sacrifice for our patients. Maybe it's not being able to compete at a track meet or not being able to make it to your younger siblings basketball game back home (SO: Thorp Cardinals playing in tonights regional finals!) or maybe even its your grandparents birthday or having coffee with a friend who is just passing through town. Regardless, at some point because of this career path and it's demands, we all have to make that sacrifice and believe me it is NOT an easy choice. If I could be in two places at once, I would! Today I want to give a shout out to my classmates, family, and girlfriend this week who have helped to keep me sane. You all rock.