Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A little behind -- and an appointment with my Rheumatologist!

Sunday - 1 hour bike, recovery
Monday - Rest day (sometimes these are nice)
Tuesday - 30 min swim, 1 hour bike

Arthritis Update
Yesterday I finally got in to see my rheumatologist after having about 2 weeks of pretty intense jaw pain, at times being unable to chew food. Unfortunately, I was given more meds and a referral to an facial surgeon at the UW if the pain doesn't get better in a week. Turns out, that as a child with juvenile arthritis, your jaw and cervical vertebrae (neck region) are really susceptible to the RA and in some cases it causes those bones to not develop properly. My doctor suspects that I am both flaring and having some combination of this abnormality from when I was a kid that will continue to get worse slowly over time. It explains why my neck has always been my worst place for pain. I am pretty nervous about what that means for the future in terms of steroid injections into my TMJ and eventual surgery. All I can do is take it one step at a time. I also am finding it really weird as I progress in school and actually begging to understand things; for example, do you know how many nerves and arteries are around your TMJ?!? I had a pretty hard time kind of accepting and digesting what my doctor told me so I was really reliant on my family and girlfriend yesterday to help me understand what all of this meant for the future and what my best plan of action was. A lot of phone calls before clinic yesterday at the Salvation Army.

After a solid nights sleep, I find myself using some of my experiences with kids who have also have RA and have already had hip replacement surgeries at such young ages and if they can handle it, I can handle it! It also brings even more meaning to my Ironman training and I know crossing that finish line in September will be one of the biggest moments in my life. Who knows if I will ever be able to do it again. I also am doing it for all those who don't have the opportunity to compete. So, keep me in your thoughts and hopefully all the medications we added on board will really help over the week. I would by lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I went from one shot a week to 6 pills a day + the shot again (still below my record of 12 pills/day though as a kid!).

I leave with a final, positive thought as I head off to a day of school, lectures, practicing physical exams, etc.

Never give up and don't ask why because every situation does not need an answer. I'm a firm believer that I don't worry about anything I can't control.

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