Saturday, March 1, 2014

8 miles, treadmill and never ending amount of cranial nerve/studying

With exams Monday through Wednesday of this week, I have not been able to get in as much exercise as I wanted to this week. As any medical student will tell you, you only have ~15-16 hours in a day to keep up with school and stay sane unless you want to start cutting into sleep. So today, I had to study and run.

This week I am reminded about how much we, as medical students and future physicians, sacrifice and will continue to need to sacrifice for our patients. Maybe it's not being able to compete at a track meet or not being able to make it to your younger siblings basketball game back home (SO: Thorp Cardinals playing in tonights regional finals!) or maybe even its your grandparents birthday or having coffee with a friend who is just passing through town. Regardless, at some point because of this career path and it's demands, we all have to make that sacrifice and believe me it is NOT an easy choice. If I could be in two places at once, I would! Today I want to give a shout out to my classmates, family, and girlfriend this week who have helped to keep me sane. You all rock.

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