Thursday, July 10, 2014

Flare - Day 8

I went on a walk down to the Bank and Barrique's coffee shop down on Monroe street today to get out of bed. It was nice to get moving around again but I am definitely feeling really strange--I think it is a side effect from the steroids. Kind of a weird feeling to describe but my legs just feel like they have a ton of energy but yet I feel tired so I've been napping on and off all day. My joints also feel really strange-not painful or stiff. My elbows can extend farther than they have been able to in a really really long time so I guess that means the meds are working. I've decided to hold off on working out until Sunday and take a full week off to let my body sort things out. All in all, I can't wait to get back on my bike, or back into the pool, or back with my music on a run.

I also want to give a huge shout out to all my family and loved one who have been so amazing at helping me and making sure I know I have people I can count on. You guys are awesome and I don't know where I'd be without you.

"If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it"

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